
If you'd like to display your link here, please provide the following information.

  • Title:  Fluid
  • Intro:  Fluid Theme Official Blog
  • Link:   https://hexo.fluid-dev.com
  • Avatar: https://hexo.fluid-dev.com/img/favicon.png

Here is my blog info. The title and intro can be altered to your preference.

  • Me:     H3arn
  • Title:  化猫の幻
  • Intro:  Pretending we're back where we started
  • Link:   https://h3a.moe
  • Avatar: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/h3a-moe/h3a-moe-asset/img/myavatar.jpg

To bloggers: There's no need to update the avatar link if your site could display my avatar as expected.